- Published on
- Application Type
- MERN Stack Web Application
Perched is a cutting-edge freelancing marketplace built with React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript, designed to help creatives showcase their skills and connect with clients. Perched is the perfect platform for freelancers and businesses to find each other, collaborate, and soar to new heights.
The following code-block displays the React form submission for the creation of a gig. This section of code is vital in creating a seamless transition from conception to creation for the user. Compiling all their inputs into a nicely packaged box to send on over to the back-end via the createGig function call.
async function handleSubmit(e) {
const formData = {
'title': title,
'category': category,
'description': description,
'price': price
try {
const response = await createGig(formData);
localStorage.setItem('gig', JSON.stringify(formData));
} catch (error) {
Wireframe, ERD and User Stories
To view the Wireframe and the ERD, please navigate to this link
To take a look into the User Stories, please navigate to this link
The wireframe and ERD are what I like to consider the skeleton of an application. It is the foundation and without it your application will never make it off the notebook you hold all your ideas in. With this in mind, I take this process very seriously and make it my goal to build out a clear, detailed board with all the possible ideas in mind outlined and accounted for. This way, when I get to building, I have a breadcrumb trail to follow along the way.
As for the User Stories, this is where you can really let the imagination wander. Every idea is safe here, no matter how simple or complex. This is the time for you to step into all the different shoes of users that will be interacting with your application (i.e. Admins, General Users, Authenticated Users, etc.). This step works alongside the wireframe and ERD, completing a sturdy frame for you to build an application off of.
The reviews are rolling in...
You never fail to impress with the UI Kendall. Each project has been a magnitude greater than the one before!
- Dr. Yuta Okkotsu, General Assembly
Very impressive both in its UI and functionality. Not that Iām surprised.
- Vilem McKael, General Assembly
Great functionally, Kendall! Your projects are always so impressive.
- Sasha Amah, General Assembly
Nice implementation of dual accounts! Really helpful for recruiters and seekers alike!
- Anthony Khong, General Assembly
So much going on, really well thought out for the user experience.
- Kelli White, General Assembly
Huge amount of features! Amazing app š
- Maria Tkachenko, General Assembly
Perched is ready to spread it's wings and take flight, but first:
- Create a Profile page where users can see some quick information regarding their account
- Create protected routes depending on the type of account you have (i.e. customers cannot create gigs)
- Implement Customer-to-Freelancer messaging
- Allow for checking out via the Stripe API
- Integrate Google oAuth along with other account authorization methods
- Create a tier system for gigs to allow for more customization for the Freelancers
- Allow for users to keep track of current and previous orders to have full control over their purchases
- Include the ability for users to favorite a gig
- Implement the ability to upload photos for a gig to provide more insight to your job
Get in touch
Let's discuss how I can be a strong addition to your team!