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- Application Type
- MEN Stack Web Application
Syntaxify is a Full-Stack Web Application that utilizes Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Tailwind Css, and JavaScript to create a fully immersive experience for users to expand their understanding of the three main sectors of programming, LANGUAGES, FRAMEWORKS, and DATABASES. Do you think a certain page is out of date? Maybe it is missing information on one of your favorite capabilities. Well with a Syntaxify account (via Google oAuth) you can submit updates to your liking to help the ever-expanding coding community learn more! Want to start a conversation about your personal experience with a specific language? Go right ahead within the comment section, just make sure you sign in first!
The follwing code-block displays the edit functionality, one of the fundemental CRUD operators in action. This one specifically allows the user to edit a specific language and add/change any information they deem fit! With this function in place it allows the users to keep the database up-to-date and fresh, something that makes Syntaxify stand out against the competition.
async function editLanguage(req, res) {
const { id } = req.params;
const { content } = req.body;
try {
const language = await Language.findById(id);
if (!language) {
return res.status(404).send("Language not found");
language.content = content;
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).send("Server error");
Wireframe, ERD and User Stories
To view the Wireframe and the ERD, please navigate to this link
To take a look into the User Stories, please navigate to this link
The wireframe and ERD are what I like to consider the skeleton of an application. It is the foundation and without it your application will never make it off the notebook you hold all your ideas in. With this in mind, I take this process very seriously and make it my goal to build out a clear, detailed board with all the possible ideas in mind outlined and accounted for. This way, when I get to building, I have a breadcrumb trail to follow along the way.
As for the User Stories, this is where you can really let the imagination wander. Every idea is safe here, no matter how simple or complex. This is the time for you to step into all the different shoes of users that will be interacting with your application (i.e. Admins, General Users, Authenticated Users, etc.). This step works alongside the wireframe and ERD, completing a sturdy frame for you to build an application off of.
The reviews are rolling in...
I love how this app is the perfect fusion of professionalism and party design!
- Seth Graves, General Assembly
I love the night mode functionality. very cool!
- Sally Kam, General Assembly
Amazing sense of style, design so smooth and consistent. Very professional and UX friendly!
- Maria Tkachenko, General Assembly
We here at SYNTAXIFY have a few key changes we hope to implement in the near future to increase the functionality of the website. They are as follows:
- Allow users to respond to other comments
- Ability to take notes on various technologies available on the website
- Add adequate responsive design
Get in touch
Let's discuss how I can be a strong addition to your team!